This is a very important disclaimer.
I am not a nutritionist. I am not a doctor. I am a fat sick individual working to better my life and along the way sharing the experience and research. I don’t ever claim to be nutritionist or a doctor. Advice on this site comes from the collection of other sources. Some have impressive credentials and others are from opinionated people like and me. Ultimately your health is your responsibility and what you choose to accept in the way of advice and who from is up to you. At no time is any advice offered on this site as fact.
Anyone thinking of making any kind of drastic change in diet or exercise should get the advice of a doctor. No two people are created equally and everyone has their own issues that should be explored first.
Here is a real world example. A diabetic on medication to keep insulin lower stops eating sugar or greatly reduces it. Fails to keep up to date with the doctor and the medication prescribed is now way more than needed and causes the blood sugar to be to low creating a dangerous and possible fatal medical condition.
So please be responsible about your health and keep up to date with your doctor even if you do not agree with the nutrition advice from your doctor.
Lastly you will see a lot of reference to a few key people in the anti-sugar debate. One of the main ones is Dr Lustig. This site is in no way affiliated with Dr Lustig at all. His research and work just happens to be the best sources.
A cleaner more refined disclaimer will replace this one when the site goes live.
Last updated January 22, 2014.
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